December 7, 2013

You Taught Me a Lesson

You Taught Me a Lesson

By Anidict13

Scene 1: (Setting: Lunch table)

[Sandra has her chin on her hand, looking bored as she stared at Kyle]

Sandra: Len, is it possible to stare so hard, the person on the receiving end feels it?

[Len looks up from writing to Sandra. Follows Sandra's gaze and back to her with a bored expression]

Len: Why don't try it? [goes back to writing]

[Sandra turns slightly to Len, glaring briefly before going back to staring at Kyle]

Len: By the way, since it's lock-down tonight, people will probably be hoarding around you to teach them
their lessons and stuff. [pauses from his work to look at Sandra] You ready?

[Sandra sits up stiffly]

Sandra: [nervously] I slept late last night, but I'll be fine.

[Len looks worriedly at her]

Len: [in a concerned voice] Are you sure? Lockdown means no sleeping here, San.

[Sandara uncertainly looks at her and nods then suddenly smiles energetically at him]

Sandra: Ooh! By the way, how are you and Ashley doing? [smiles slyly]

[Len's eyes widen and blushes as he clears his throat nervously. He diverts his eyes and goes back to his work]

Len:[mumbles shyly] None of your business.

[Sandra laughs]

Scene 2: (Setting: Lunch room/table)

[Sandra shows something to a couple of teenagers as they sat around in a lunch table]

Sandra:[talking in a distracted way as she writes something on a notebook] And that's how it became like this.

Teen1:[nods his head understandingly and says in awe] Ah... So that's how...

Teen2:[in an awed voice and wide eyes] Jesus Christ! You're way better doing our teacher's job!

Sandra: [smirks at him] I really don't recommend you saying that out loud.

Teen1: No really! You're way better at this than a hired one!

[Sandra stares back and forth at the two and smiles timidly at them]

Sandra: [bows her head and mumbles shyly] Nah, not really.

Teen1: Yes you are!

[Teen2 stands up, hooking his bag to his shoulder] Well, see yah, Sandra. Thanks again for the help.

[Teen1 follows suit] Yeah. You're the best!

[Sandra looks up and waves at them as they walk away]

Sandra: No problem!

[Sandra sighs and slumps to her seat, alone for a few moments before a voice speaks up behind her]

*Voice: Hi Willers.

[Sandra looks behind her in surprise, then relaxes as she sees Kyle leaning on the back of her seat, grinning at her. Sandra smiles back at him]

Sandra: Hi Sanders.

Kyle: Mind if I join you? [points at the sit opposite to her]

[Sandra shakes her head] Not at all. [nods pointedly at the seat] Go ahead.

Kyle: Cool. [moves away from her and sits across her]

[A moment of silence]

Kyle: [softly] Mind if you teach me a little?

Sandra: [laughs] Again, I don't mind. What is it?

Kyle: [slumps in his seat, sighing dejectedly] Math.

Sandra: [laughs and sighs] Say no more. Ah, math. why are you so painful?[shakes her head]

Kyle: [perks up from his seat] I know right? Thank god you think so, too. I was starting to think you love that crap.

Sandra: Uh, no. I don't think so. I don't think Math's crap but I certainly don't love that. I just like the challenge. I definitely hate it when it's in exams.

Kyle: [sits up straight and crosses his arms] Well, I for one, completely hates it. [turns his head away stubbornly]

Sandra: [shrugs] It's not really THAT bad. But yes, I have to agree it causes pain most of the time.

[Kyle shakes his head, holding it as if in pain and groans] I hate math.

Sandra: [smirks] I know. You said that already.

Kyle: [whiningly] But I really hate it!

[Sandra raises her eyebrows and Kyle clears his throat]

Kyle: [sitting up straight and with a straight face, says in a manly voice] Well, I do.

[Sandra laughs and shakes her head at him] Whatever. Come on, let's just get started.

Kyle: [pouts and slumps in his seat] Fine.

[After a while]

[Kyle standing in his seat] No way! It's that easy?!

[Sandra gives him a droll stare then sighs]

Sandra:[mutters] You know, you're the third one to say that today.

Kyle: [hold his hands up defensively] Hey, it's not my fault our teacher sucks at hi--

[Sandra cuts him off] I know, I know. No need to say it.

Kyle: [sits back down] Well, it's true. I'm surprised you even understand him.

Sandra: [sighs tand rolls her eyes] Come on. Now you're just being mean.

Kyle: [crosses his arms childishly] Tsk! Fine, whatever. [Stands up suddenly] Hey look, I'm just gonna get us something to eat. Or drink, maybe. I'll be back in a jiff. [slings his bag on his shoulder]

Sandra: [nods] Sure.

[Kyle jogs away then changes pace into a walk]

[Len suddenly appears after a minute, sliding into Kyle's seat]

Len: [grinning excitedly and asks teasingly] So~? What was that~?

Sandra: [shrugs and says while looking at her notebook] Nothing. He just asked me to teach him some stuff.

Len: [wiggles his eyebrows] What "stuff"?

Sandra: [says with a deadpan stare] Math.

Len: [narrows his eyes doubtfully] Mmhmm...

[Sandra rolls her eyes]

Sandra: Whatever. [Yawns suddenly]

Len: You can let yourself sleep you know. I'll protect your face from any felt markers.

[Sandra stares at him seriously]

Len: What?

Sandra: You're the one who draws on people's face. [raises her brows]

Len: [grins] And I like it. But don't worry. I won't do anything to your face. I'm saving my skills for Ashley
though. That bitch.

Sandra: [laughs] What did she do to you?

Len: She left me at the hand of senior citizens!

[Sandra laughs harder]

Len: [raises his twitching hands with a horrified expression] They were everywhere! They were like pinching my cheeks, cooing and all that. They left their old people's scent on me!!

[Len shudders while Sandra calms down]

Sandra: Hey, come on. Be nice.

Len: [snappily] Well, it's true.

[Sandra sighs then props her head on her arms over the table]

Sandra: [mutters] Well I'm glad to hear you're saving your pen's ink for someone else. [closes her eyes] I can let myself sleep a little now.

[Kyle walks in holding two covered cups of hot chocolate and biscuits while Len reads a book and Sandra sleeping on her arms]

Kyle: Hey Len.

[Len looks up from the book he's reading]

Len: Oh, hey Kyle. [closes his book after inserting a bookmark] Perfect timing. I need to get myself some hot snacks as well then start drawing on people's faces.

[Len sees Kyle's eyes widen and snaps to Sandra's sleeping face]

Len: [Laughs] Oh, no. Not her. I didn't write on her face, never had yet, and never plans to. [leans closer to Kyle and whispers] She's too dangerous to be angered. [Slides out of the seat]

Kyle: [looks relieved] Oh. Sure. I can keep watch on her.[shrugs]

[Kyle slides in carefully, setting down the food he's holding on the table as Len starts to walk away]

Len: [calls over his shoulder, waving] Thanks, man!

Kyle: [waves back] No problem.

[Kyle props his chin on his hand and sips some hot chocolate. He stares at Sandra for a while]

Kyle: [pokes at Sandra carefully] Ne. [pokes again] I've got you some hot coco.

[Sandra continues to sleep]

[Kyle sighs and stares back at her]

[Kyle stands up quietly and slides in next to Sandra, watching he sleep closely]

[Kyle strokes her hair gently and she sighs contentedly]

[Kyle leans over her ear]

Kyle: [whispers] Thanks for teaching me.

[Kyle leans closer and kisses her cheek softly]

Kyle: How to like someone.
