December 18, 2013

It’s a Big Deal If It’s Your Problem

Daily Prompt: By the Skin of Your Teeth response. (Wordpress)


By the last Wednesday of October, I got home late from school and was caught by the guard. It wouldn’t have been a big deal to me if he didn’t take my i.d., if the principal wasn’t there, and if I wasn’t an honor student.


I cried at the guardhouse when my attempt to beg for my I.d. back failed. My mind raced with the worst disasters that could happen. Like how the record would lessen my luck for college applications and how, maybe, it would cost my participation in a big contest. I was completely heartbroken and hopeless that night.


I stayed long at school not because of mischievous and stupid activities, so my conscience was clear. I only stayed long because I waited for my friends to finish some school work. We all go home, together so it was natural for us to wait for each other. Plus, we do it occasionally, and the school guard knows how clean we are so he usually lets us off the hook.

But that night the principal was kind of in a bad mood and had the school guard to confiscate student’s i.d. of whoever was upstairs in the building. It just so happened that I climbed up not only ten minutes before just so I could call for my friends to hurry up.


Hot damn, I was caught.


I fell asleep that night from exhaustion from crying too much.


The next day we weren’t that punished. We were scolded and interrogated, and that was pretty much it. We were made to write a promissory note and a narrative of what happened, but that’s better than anything else.

I thought all was well and so I was not prepared for the onslaught the next day.


Morning, next day, during the usual announcement of the principal, he mentioned the incident and a few heads turned to our direction but kept quiet(might as well have screamed though. They were wayyyy to obvious). He said, starting from that day onwards, no on was to stay late at  school or else, they’ll be given suspension. (YAY!! We were the reason for the sudden strictness of rules! People will so love us more). He let our identities anonymous but it was pretty useless. News travel fast between teens, you know?

After that, we were called by a teacher whom that in our narratives seem to blame. She scolded us and said that we shouldn’t blame others for our acts—which I agree is true. Then gave us an “ultimatum”. If the six of us can’t change our class within the next four months before graduation, our scores in her subject will be halved. We agreed to her term. Not like we had a choice anyway.


What was it that I escaped from??

Suspension. Because it was the first flaw of our record, we were given a chance and so, no suspension, or deduction of grades. I’m thankful, but I feel sorry we caused everyone else trouble. Because of us, everyone else in school gets a heart attack when the final school bell rings and when the school guard blows his whistle.



(Note: The author of this blog of that on is the same person. No need for copyright infringement and stuff like that.)

December 7, 2013

You Taught Me a Lesson

You Taught Me a Lesson

By Anidict13

Scene 1: (Setting: Lunch table)

[Sandra has her chin on her hand, looking bored as she stared at Kyle]

Sandra: Len, is it possible to stare so hard, the person on the receiving end feels it?

[Len looks up from writing to Sandra. Follows Sandra's gaze and back to her with a bored expression]

Len: Why don't try it? [goes back to writing]

[Sandra turns slightly to Len, glaring briefly before going back to staring at Kyle]

Len: By the way, since it's lock-down tonight, people will probably be hoarding around you to teach them
their lessons and stuff. [pauses from his work to look at Sandra] You ready?

[Sandra sits up stiffly]

Sandra: [nervously] I slept late last night, but I'll be fine.

[Len looks worriedly at her]

Len: [in a concerned voice] Are you sure? Lockdown means no sleeping here, San.

[Sandara uncertainly looks at her and nods then suddenly smiles energetically at him]

Sandra: Ooh! By the way, how are you and Ashley doing? [smiles slyly]

[Len's eyes widen and blushes as he clears his throat nervously. He diverts his eyes and goes back to his work]

Len:[mumbles shyly] None of your business.

[Sandra laughs]

Scene 2: (Setting: Lunch room/table)

[Sandra shows something to a couple of teenagers as they sat around in a lunch table]

Sandra:[talking in a distracted way as she writes something on a notebook] And that's how it became like this.

Teen1:[nods his head understandingly and says in awe] Ah... So that's how...

Teen2:[in an awed voice and wide eyes] Jesus Christ! You're way better doing our teacher's job!

Sandra: [smirks at him] I really don't recommend you saying that out loud.

Teen1: No really! You're way better at this than a hired one!

[Sandra stares back and forth at the two and smiles timidly at them]

Sandra: [bows her head and mumbles shyly] Nah, not really.

Teen1: Yes you are!

[Teen2 stands up, hooking his bag to his shoulder] Well, see yah, Sandra. Thanks again for the help.

[Teen1 follows suit] Yeah. You're the best!

[Sandra looks up and waves at them as they walk away]

Sandra: No problem!

[Sandra sighs and slumps to her seat, alone for a few moments before a voice speaks up behind her]

*Voice: Hi Willers.

[Sandra looks behind her in surprise, then relaxes as she sees Kyle leaning on the back of her seat, grinning at her. Sandra smiles back at him]

Sandra: Hi Sanders.

Kyle: Mind if I join you? [points at the sit opposite to her]

[Sandra shakes her head] Not at all. [nods pointedly at the seat] Go ahead.

Kyle: Cool. [moves away from her and sits across her]

[A moment of silence]

Kyle: [softly] Mind if you teach me a little?

Sandra: [laughs] Again, I don't mind. What is it?

Kyle: [slumps in his seat, sighing dejectedly] Math.

Sandra: [laughs and sighs] Say no more. Ah, math. why are you so painful?[shakes her head]

Kyle: [perks up from his seat] I know right? Thank god you think so, too. I was starting to think you love that crap.

Sandra: Uh, no. I don't think so. I don't think Math's crap but I certainly don't love that. I just like the challenge. I definitely hate it when it's in exams.

Kyle: [sits up straight and crosses his arms] Well, I for one, completely hates it. [turns his head away stubbornly]

Sandra: [shrugs] It's not really THAT bad. But yes, I have to agree it causes pain most of the time.

[Kyle shakes his head, holding it as if in pain and groans] I hate math.

Sandra: [smirks] I know. You said that already.

Kyle: [whiningly] But I really hate it!

[Sandra raises her eyebrows and Kyle clears his throat]

Kyle: [sitting up straight and with a straight face, says in a manly voice] Well, I do.

[Sandra laughs and shakes her head at him] Whatever. Come on, let's just get started.

Kyle: [pouts and slumps in his seat] Fine.

[After a while]

[Kyle standing in his seat] No way! It's that easy?!

[Sandra gives him a droll stare then sighs]

Sandra:[mutters] You know, you're the third one to say that today.

Kyle: [hold his hands up defensively] Hey, it's not my fault our teacher sucks at hi--

[Sandra cuts him off] I know, I know. No need to say it.

Kyle: [sits back down] Well, it's true. I'm surprised you even understand him.

Sandra: [sighs tand rolls her eyes] Come on. Now you're just being mean.

Kyle: [crosses his arms childishly] Tsk! Fine, whatever. [Stands up suddenly] Hey look, I'm just gonna get us something to eat. Or drink, maybe. I'll be back in a jiff. [slings his bag on his shoulder]

Sandra: [nods] Sure.

[Kyle jogs away then changes pace into a walk]

[Len suddenly appears after a minute, sliding into Kyle's seat]

Len: [grinning excitedly and asks teasingly] So~? What was that~?

Sandra: [shrugs and says while looking at her notebook] Nothing. He just asked me to teach him some stuff.

Len: [wiggles his eyebrows] What "stuff"?

Sandra: [says with a deadpan stare] Math.

Len: [narrows his eyes doubtfully] Mmhmm...

[Sandra rolls her eyes]

Sandra: Whatever. [Yawns suddenly]

Len: You can let yourself sleep you know. I'll protect your face from any felt markers.

[Sandra stares at him seriously]

Len: What?

Sandra: You're the one who draws on people's face. [raises her brows]

Len: [grins] And I like it. But don't worry. I won't do anything to your face. I'm saving my skills for Ashley
though. That bitch.

Sandra: [laughs] What did she do to you?

Len: She left me at the hand of senior citizens!

[Sandra laughs harder]

Len: [raises his twitching hands with a horrified expression] They were everywhere! They were like pinching my cheeks, cooing and all that. They left their old people's scent on me!!

[Len shudders while Sandra calms down]

Sandra: Hey, come on. Be nice.

Len: [snappily] Well, it's true.

[Sandra sighs then props her head on her arms over the table]

Sandra: [mutters] Well I'm glad to hear you're saving your pen's ink for someone else. [closes her eyes] I can let myself sleep a little now.

[Kyle walks in holding two covered cups of hot chocolate and biscuits while Len reads a book and Sandra sleeping on her arms]

Kyle: Hey Len.

[Len looks up from the book he's reading]

Len: Oh, hey Kyle. [closes his book after inserting a bookmark] Perfect timing. I need to get myself some hot snacks as well then start drawing on people's faces.

[Len sees Kyle's eyes widen and snaps to Sandra's sleeping face]

Len: [Laughs] Oh, no. Not her. I didn't write on her face, never had yet, and never plans to. [leans closer to Kyle and whispers] She's too dangerous to be angered. [Slides out of the seat]

Kyle: [looks relieved] Oh. Sure. I can keep watch on her.[shrugs]

[Kyle slides in carefully, setting down the food he's holding on the table as Len starts to walk away]

Len: [calls over his shoulder, waving] Thanks, man!

Kyle: [waves back] No problem.

[Kyle props his chin on his hand and sips some hot chocolate. He stares at Sandra for a while]

Kyle: [pokes at Sandra carefully] Ne. [pokes again] I've got you some hot coco.

[Sandra continues to sleep]

[Kyle sighs and stares back at her]

[Kyle stands up quietly and slides in next to Sandra, watching he sleep closely]

[Kyle strokes her hair gently and she sighs contentedly]

[Kyle leans over her ear]

Kyle: [whispers] Thanks for teaching me.

[Kyle leans closer and kisses her cheek softly]

Kyle: How to like someone.
